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Welcome to Shepherds RC.

Shepherds RC

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The Shepherds RC at the Channon Christia

A Bit About Us

The Shepherds RC. was created by Gary Christian with assistance from his first Vice President Dave Gardner.  The club was created to ride in memory of Channon Christian, which was Murdered along with Chris Newsome in 2007.  The club has helped many people in many different ways throughout our surrounding counties. The Shepherds RC. strongly promote fathers taking the steps to insure that the members of their families have carry permits, or the self defense skill sets, that would give their family members the opportunity of going home if they were ever attacked or abducted as Channon was.
The Shepherds ride in Channons memory. Reminding people that evil exist. Evil comes to destroy all that is good and it comes in many forms. We ride through the valley of the shadow of death but we will not fear evil because Christ is in us...…..We will not fear the storm ahead because the man that calmed the sea rides within us. We can do nothing without Christ and it is for his Glory that we exist.
Evil took Channon from us way to soon, and the second she took her last breath God took her back from evil,  she now is with Christ in paradise.
We the Shepherds RC. will trust in God, spread our blacken wings, and ride where he takes us. We will ride to make a difference in this world, protect those that can not protect themselves, right wrong when we can, and we will always share the “ Truth and the light” the “Power to Save and Redeem”  that lies in the man called Jesus!
For the glory of God!
In Channons memory!
Brother to brother in life and in death! We Ride!
Gary Christian,  President, Shepherds RC.

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